In the 1960s
there was a decision made that the truths of the Catholic faith would no longer
be taught in religious education classes. Since then, every once in a while
people say that we've rejected that paradigm, and now it's different, but it's
not. Things are about the same. Now we have the same 1960s religious education
courses, just with some Catholic facts sprinkled over them. The people in
charge of religious education don't mind the addition of random Catholic facts,
liturgical seasons, what the Paschal Candle is, stuff like that, but they keep
the courses pretty free of the basics of Catholicism. You may think that's kind
of harsh, but if you've spoken with graduates of the religious education system
you'll know it's true.
Some people express surprise that
the bishop is in charge of the diocese and the parishes, and that "in
charge" means "actually in charge." That's just true, though,
and it'll be true till the end of time. I don't blame people for not knowing. I
blame the people who decided that religious education classes must exclude a
great deal of the Catholic Faith.
St. Ignatius of Antioch was an old
man when he was martyred in the year 107. In 107 they were about as close to
the death and Resurrection of Jesus as we are to WWII. On his way to Rome to be
martyred he wrote letters to the Catholics of various cities. Here's what he
wrote to the Catholics of Smyrna:
“See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the
Father, and the presbytery (the priests) as you would the apostles; and
reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything
connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper
Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has
entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the
people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic
Don't do anything connected with the
Church without the bishop. You can't have a proper Eucharist without the
bishop's permission. If you separate yourself from the bishop you've separated
yourself from the Catholic Church. This was true then. It's true now. It will
be true till the end of time.
Liberals don't want us to know these
truths, so they are buried or ignored in religious education classes. I don't
blame people for not knowing the truth about bishops' role in the Church, but
it should especially be known in Philadelphia because of St. John Neumann's
insistence on this truth. (BTW, I just counted and I've published 44 posts so
far. Eight mention St. John Neumann.)
When he became bishop of
Philadelphia some parishes were under the control of boards of lay trustees who
were elected by the parishioners. St. John Neumann would not tolerate this. He
went to court, to the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, to regain
The judge asked Bishop Neumann why
the Church is called the Roman Catholic Church. St. John replied:
“Our church is called Roman Catholic because the Pope, who is its
head, resides in Rome. According to the laws of the Pope, the bishops
administer their dioceses; and according to the laws of the bishops, the
pastors govern the congregations. If anyone wants to be a member of our
Catholic Church, he must be united through the pastor to the bishop and through
the bishop to the Pope. The union is effected through spiritual obedience.
Whoever does not render this obedience does not belong to the Catholic Church,
because this arrangement is its essential unchangeable constitution.”
Judge Woodward, a Protestant, was
very much on the side of Bishop Neumann. Here's what he said to the trustees of
Holy Trinity Church which is still at Sixth and Spruce:
“You Germans are a disgrace to our city. For ninety years you have
been quarreling with your bishop! You had an Irishman for a bishop, an
American, and now you have a German. You are satisfied with none, obedient to
none. If you want to be Catholics you must obey the Pope and the Bishop in all
ecclesiastical affairs. You cannot expect that the court will protect your
Here's what he said to the trustees'
lawyer: If the trustees “are not satisfied with their church and bishop, they are free to
change their faith at any time; there is freedom of religion with us. But, so
long as they choose to remain Catholics, they must obey the Pope and their bishop
in all religious matters.”
That's pretty much the story. That's
the way it was in 107, in 1854, and 2013. That's the way it will be till the
end of time.
St. Ignatius, St. John Neumann, Judge
Woodward and Archbishop Chaput are all on the same page. Archbishop Chaput is
in charge of the archdiocese. He's in charge of the parishes. I don't really
know what advice St. John Neumann would give Archbishop Chaput on the wisdom of
the planners' campaign to remake the archdiocese. (I suspect he might tell the
archbishop to think critically about these plans that stir up so much
opposition, and not to assume that the way the planners talk to him is the way
they talk when he's not around.) But I do know what he'd say to us about the
archbishop's power to do it. Archbishop Chaput is in charge and we have to
respect that. There is no other way to be Catholic.