Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tale of the Tweets

Am I right when I say that the planners want to turn parishes into centers for the delivery of social services? When I say they want to promote “lay ministry” over Catholic schools? Well here’s what the planners have sent out on Twitter since February 1.


22% of all Philly Catholic parishes provide nursing and health ministry at the parish serving over 11,000 people last year.

23 Philly Catholic parishes provided literacy programs serving 1,254 people last year.

Parishes employ 146 Directors of the Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults who are volunteers; 47 are employed either full or part time.

92% of Philly sponsor Stations of the Cross during Lent. It is the most popular form of religious devotion in Philly.

The Archdiocese consists of Episcopal Regions, Deaneries, Pastoral Planning Areas and Parishes. (see map)…

10,957 infants, 1,768 children age 1-7 and 621 children age 7-17 were baptized in Philly Catholic parishes last year.

50% of Philly Catholic parishes provide extended care (CARES) programs that serve 5,858 children

There are 142 full time and 91 part time directors coordinators or administrators of Religious education in Philly parishes

Senior High school age parish religious education enrollment up15% in 5 years.…

82% of Philly parishes have Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This is 3rd most popular devotion in Philly.

Ten tweets.  Six on social services and lay ministry (CARES (?), literacy, health ministry, PREP, DRE, RCIA), one on the planners’ obsession (maps and extra layers of organization), three on Catholic stuff (benediction, baptisms, stations) and none on Catholic schools. 

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